This is a list of all Councillors and their responsibilities:
John. A. Blackburn. (chairman)
Church Farm. Newton Reigny.
Penrith. CA11 0AY
0791 997 4801
John. R. Elliott. (Vice Chairman)
1. Espland Close. Newton Reigny.
Penrith. CA110AY.
01768 891901
Keith Monaghan.
Montarna. Newton Reigny.
Penrith. CA1 10AY
0791 997 4801
David. W. Bell.
High Dyke Farm. Catterlen.
Penrith. CA11 0BQ
01768 892478
David. I. Booker.
Field Croft. Newton Reigny.
Penrith. CA11 0AY
0774 784 3126
Tracy. Clementson.
Thomas Lodge. Catterlen.
Penrith. CA110BQ
0777 341 5195
Francis. P. Barbour. (clerk)
01768 863120